So You Want To Adopt?


Please Think Before You Leap

Falling in love with a dog is easy.  Maybe it’s a friend or a family member’s dog or a dog at a shelter running out of time who has captured your heart.  How can you resist the promise of unconditional love, loyalty, and acceptance, the joyous welcome every time you come home?

Making a commitment for the life of a dog - which can be upwards of 15 years - is quite another thing.  Are you ready to assume responsibility for a life, for a sentient creature who is totally dependent on you, for a lifetime?

Consider This

The fact that you're thinking about adopting from CrisisDogsNC means you're a caring person. We know the unexpected happens in life, but before you make the decision to adopt, take a moment to ask yourself:
  • Why do I want a dog? Adopting a dog on an emotional whim, because you are lonely, or because your kids want a dog usually ends up being a big mistake that can cost your companion his or her life.  The dogs adopted for those reasons end up in our care or in a shelter, and in North Carolina, shelters euthanize within 72 hours for “owner surrenders.”
  • Do I have time for a dog?  Dogs cannot be ignored just because you're tired or busy or going on vacation. Every single day of the year for many years to come dogs require food, water, exercise, care, your companionship.
  • Can I afford a dog?  The costs of dog ownership can be quite high. CrisisDogsNC covers initial vetting but your dog will need updated yearly vaccines, monthly heartworm, and flea prevention and of course, there are the risks of illness and accident; pet insurance is advisable. Then there are the costs of quality food, grooming, toys, a crate or indoor pen, paraphernalia like leashes and collars and ID tags, and training which is advised especially for puppies.
  • Am I prepared to deal with special problems that a dog can cause? Oftentimes, we do not know about your dog’s prior life. Are you prepared to deal with housetraining if needed? What about potential damage to furniture as your dog adjusts to your home? And there may be medical emergencies that are unfortunate but common aspects of dog ownership.
  • Is it a good time for me to adopt?  Dogs need stability. If you travel often, if you are a student whose life situation will change,  or if you are in the military and expect deployment we suggest waiting until you are more settled before adopting. (Fostering on the other hand is a great way for you to have dog companionship without the years of commitment).  If you have children under six years old,  wait a few years before you adopt. Supervising a young child with a new dog is stressful.
  • Are my living arrangements suitable for the dog I have in mind? First of all, if you are renting does your landlord allow a dog? Does your HOA have breed restrictions, as most do?  What about your living space: do you have a yard or easy access to a dog park? Do you risk neighbor complaints if your dog is a “talker”?
  • Who will care for my dog while I am traveling or on vacation?  There are many dog-friendly hotels and Airbnb's but sometimes you can’t take your dog along.  There are too many disastrous tales to tell about unreliable friends and neighbors!  Boarding and dog sitting services cost.  (There are home/dog sitting services that are free but require advance planning)
If your answers point you toward opening your home and heart, then see who have waiting for you!

Get A animal For Life

Sure, it's a long list of questions. But a quick stroll through our site will help you understand why answering them before you adopt is so important.

Many of the dogs in our care are victims of irresponsible breeding or were cute puppies given as gifts. Others were life-long companions for seniors who were not thinking ahead.

Sharing your life with a dog can bring incredible rewards, but only if you're willing to make the necessary commitment of time and money, and take responsibility for the life of the dog.

If you're ready to adopt a companion for life, please click the links above at the top of the page to see our many wonderful dogs who are waiting for a home.

If you would like to set up a meet and greet with one of our dogs, please first, fill out an Application.


Ready to Adopt?
