Sophie is a delightful two year old that we believe is a Pointer/ Boxer mix weighing about 40 pounds . She knows all the basic
commands and is crate trained. Sophie is very gentle, intelligent and eager to please. She does react to
dogs and some people when walking but we are working on that with her. She would be happiest as
your only dog with a fenced in yard to run and play in. She is a real clown if you give her a cheap plastic
pool to romp in. Sophie is supper affectionate and loves to snuggle with you and give kisses but she is
also content amuse herself by looking out the window, chewing a bone or catching some Zs. An ideal
companion for someone who will give her the love and attention she deserves.
This dog is available and everything we know about this dog is included in the dog’s description. We are only able to respond to questions once a completed application is received We do not respond to questions about our dogs sent through email or social media. Excellent vet references and a virtual home visit required. Your prior or current dog must be on year-round heartworm prevention. We transport by land or air whenever possible. Unless there is definitive documentation our breed and age assessments are based on visual appearances.