I'm staying with the rescue furever!

Pippie is a gorgeous 9-pound Papillon who suffers from brain damage and PTSD causing her moods to fluctuate dramatically. Pippie loves frolicking inside a secure fence! A true PTSD Papillon! She loves to be playful, yet her Traumatic Brain Injury has left her with a Feisty and Temperamental disposition. This little gal is in a very special foster household that understands her PTSD and limitations.

You can sponsor Pippie with a onetime donation or a monthly donation to help with the cost of ongoing care or the collective care of all of our Forever Foster and Hospice dogs by following this link. Donate - CrisisDogsNC

  • Papillon
  • Female
  • 14 Years OldMy DoB is 01/01/2010 (Estimated)
  • 9 Pounds
  • Black & White
  • Couch Potato
  • I Don't Like Kids
  • I Like Select Dogs
Special Needs (Emotional)
Experienced Dog Owner Required

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