Petra is a 10-week-old 6.96 lb. Mixed Breed puppy.
Little Petra came to the rescue with her siblings and has been thriving in her foster home! She absolutely loves everyone she meets and is always ready to play! She is your typical puppy who plays hard and naps hard and is learning all the new and exciting things in the world. She is already crate-trained and loves curling up with her brother in her crate for nap time. She does get a little sad when left alone and would love to have a fur-sibling for company in her new home. She is working on potty-training and doing well with using the pee-pad so far. Petra's favorite thing is to run and play with other dogs and has the best time romping around her yard! She loves kids, but would do best with older kids that can be gentle with her. She is very smart and can't wait to keep up her training with her new family. Petra hopes her new home includes lots of toys, cuddles, and plenty of fun activities to get her zoomies out! If Petra seems like your kind of girl, apply to adopt her today!
Comprehensive details are provided in the dog's description. To ensure a smooth process, please submit a completed application through our website at: Please note that questions via email or social media channels may not receive a response without a completed application. As part of our commitment to responsible adoption practices, we require excellent veterinarian references and conduct virtual home visits. Additionally, your prior or current dog must be on year-round heartworm prevention. We provide transportation by both land and air whenever feasible. All assessments regarding breed and age are conducted by licensed veterinarians. We look forward to assisting you in finding your perfect canine companion!