Paisley is a 3 year old, 14 lb. Terrier/Chihuahua mix.
Sweet, little Paisley is an absolute delight! She has never met a stranger (even though she can be a little shy at first). She warms up quickly and makes fast friends with everyone, dogs and people, that she meets! Paisley is already 100% potty trained and doesn't need to be crated when her foster family is out of the house. She loves to play and has the best time running around her fenced backyard! She is still learning about the leash, so for now she would do best with a fenced yard to safely play in. She would love to find a home with a doggie friend to play with and teach her the ropes. Paisley absolute favorite past time though is snuggling and being with her humans! She cannot get enough of pets and cuddles and would love nothing more than to be right next to you or in your lap. She gives great kisses as a "thank you" for all the pets! If this sweet girl sounds like the perfect fit for your family, apply to meet her today!
Comprehensive details are provided in the dog's description. To ensure a smooth process, please submit a completed application through our website at: Please note that questions via email or social media channels may not receive a response without a completed application. As part of our commitment to responsible adoption practices, we require excellent veterinarian references and conduct virtual home visits. Additionally, your prior or current dog must be on year-round heartworm prevention. We provide transportation by both land and air whenever feasible. All assessments regarding breed and age are conducted by licensed veterinarians. We look forward to assisting you in finding your perfect canine companion!