Fozzie is an 8 month old, 8 lb. Poodle/Maltese mix.
Sweet, little Fozzie is one of the cutest little boys around! He will surely melt your heart with all his cuddles and happy antics. He is a little timid and shy at first, but with a little patience and love, he warms right up. He has really blossomed in his foster home and has made fast friends with his fur-siblings. He loves playing with them in the back yard and when all his energy is out, he happily cuddles up for an afternoon snooze with either his foster mom or doggie friends. He would love to find a forever home full of soft blankets, plush couches, and someone ready to hold him and give him lots of pets! Fozzie will need a home with another dog or two to play with and help him with his confidence! He does get a little sad when his foster mom leaves the house, but when she comes home, he is all smiles and tail wags! He does well in a crate, but will need a family who is home more often than not. Someone who is retired or works from home would be ideal! Fozzie is learning all about exciting new things like taking walks around his neighborhood on a leash (and getting used to being on a leash for the first time), playing with toys, and learning his meal-time manners! For now, since Fozzie loves his food (and his foster siblings' food) so much, his foster mom feeds him separately. Fozzie is crate-trained and does well in his crate when his foster mom is out of the house. He is almost totally potty-trained too and is learning to use a pee-pad! Fozzie has lived with dogs and cats in the past, so he would be a great friend to both. He is so excited to meet his forever family - if that could be you, apply to meet this sweet fluffball today!
Comprehensive details are provided in the dog's description. To ensure a smooth process, please submit a completed application through our website at: Please note that questions via email or social media channels may not receive a response without a completed application. As part of our commitment to responsible adoption practices, we require excellent veterinarian references and conduct virtual home visits. Additionally, your prior or current dog must be on year-round heartworm prevention. We provide transportation by both land and air whenever feasible. All assessments regarding breed and age are conducted by licensed veterinarians. We look forward to assisting you in finding your perfect canine companion!